stc Ranked Number One in 5G Coverage in KSA
stc was also ranked number one in terms of 5G coverage in KSA by covering 43 new governorates across the Kingdom, according to the Meqyas Quarterly Report for Internet Speeds and Digital Content Access Speed in the Kingdom issued by CITC. Furthermore, stc was also able to provide 5G services, bringing the number of covered governorates to 53 throughout KSA.
The CITC report saw stc ranked top in Mobile Service Provider Speeds, with mobile internet average download speed being up to 130.84 Mbps and mobile internet average upload speed being up to 23.52 Mbps. As for Fiber-optic Speeds, stc also achieved first place in fiber-optic internet average upload speed reaching 39.41 Mbps.
These outstanding achievements by stc compared to other regional service providers are the result of its efforts in supporting innovation and creativity programs and in offering comprehensive solutions in telecommunications and digital empowerment. stc continues to contribute to enabling the digital transformation of the public and private sectors and strengthening the cloud infrastructure of the local digital economy in terms of artificial intelligence, IoT, and cloud computing