Hogan Lovells to Support Upcoming Tech Startups in Collaboration with Afritech XYZ, Novartis, and Citibank

Global law firm Hogan Lovells has collaborated with Afritech XYZ, and clients Novartis and Citibank to provide pro bono legal advice to a group of award-winning social entrepreneurs.
In October 2020, Novartis reached out to the firm about the possibility of collaborating on a global pro bono project focused on Africa. This led to a workshop with HL BaSE Catalyst and AfriTech XYZ.
Afritech XYZ, an initiative run by Do it Now Now, works with African tech entrepreneurs and provides them with the mentoring and networks they need to build tech that will contribute to a better future for Africa. HL BaSE Catalyst is a programme of pro bono support for social enterprises provided by volunteers from Hogan Lovells and in-house counsel. The HL BaSE Catalyst workshop provided four innovative tech start-ups across Africa with pro bono legal advice in order to support them in tackling some of the challenges we face today, including employment, food security, and biodiversity loss.
“We are pleased to have showcased our work with Afritech XYZ. The collaboration provided an opportunity to address some of the challenges that local businesses in Africa face. Our support and shared value approach highlight the firm’s global commitment to playing a leadership role in driving inclusive and sustainable growth compelling positive change through pro bono and community investment activity.”
Ina Brock, Global Managing Partner for Clients and Industries
“Thanks to volunteers from Citibank, Novartis and Hogan Lovells, Afritech XYZ, our virtual accelerator to support African Tech Entrepreneurs, is making a massive difference across the continent. Africa is the next frontier.”
Bayo Adelaja, Founder and Chief Do-er of Do It Now Now
The firm worked with social enterprise Giving Back Films, a carbon neutral film production company to make the video. As part of the project Giving Back Films gave each of the start-ups training on the best way to showcase their sustainability journey and create impactful content.
Delivering on the firm’s commitments to diversity & inclusion and responsible business, Hogan Lovells has also provided pro bono legal support for the Para Sport Against Stigma project that for the first time allowed viewers across Sub-Saharan African countries to watch the Games’ opening and closing ceremonies, as well as daily 52-minute highlights packages of African-centered content featuring the continent’s biggest Paralympic heroes and rising stars.