Vodafone Services Going Live in Oman

In a recent announcement, Vodafone has disclosed that after years of development, its services are now live in Oman.
“As Vodafone’s operational operations approach, we are launching today a fully equipped customer service and integrated Omani management centre, which will be characterized by the first-of-its-kind services in Oman.
The center will provide outstanding services to customers around the clock through a range of technologies, including live voice chat. Direct visual communication, as well as whatsapp and social networking.”
Online Announcement by Vodafone Oman
“It’s Official! Vodafone Oman is Live!
What a great feeling after being part of this journey for the last two and half years to bring a greenfield mobile operator to life. A real sense of pride and achievement that is down to the wonderful team we have here at Vodafone Oman.
Lots of memories, lots of meetings, lots of ups and downs…….and what a ride!A wonderful moment to bring Vodafone to all the people of Oman. Vodafone is here to make a difference. A sincere thanks to all the team and partners who made this day a reality.”
Stelios Savvides, Technology Director (CTIO) at Vodafone Oman