Morocco Launches ‘MoroccoTech’ to Promote the National Digital Sector

Minister Delegate to the Head of Government, in charge of Digital Transition and Administration Reform, Ghita Mezzour, has announced the launch of the initiative “MoroccoTech”, the national brand to promote the Moroccan digital sector.
“MoroccoTech” aims, on the one hand to position Morocco as a digital destination of choice internationally, and on the other hand, to create a global dynamic that will benefit all Moroccan ecosystems in their digital transformation.
This initiative is the result of a “public-private” partnership approach and of a mobilizing and unifying movement of the various players in the Moroccan digital ecosystem.
“Today, Morocco is already a major regional digital hub.”
Ghita Mezzour, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government
“MoroccoTech” is intended as a vision to promote Morocco as a producer of premium technologies and a leading investment destination, the minister stressed, noting that this initiative will support flagship efforts, programs, projects and communications around Morocco as a premium digital destination.
For his part, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills, Younes Sekkouri, highlighted the immense potential of the digital sector to create jobs to meet domestic and international demand.
Sekkouri also expressed his willingness to work with the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administration Reform to provide the necessary means, including budgets, training and alternative training techniques with the support of various stakeholders.
President of the National Commission for the Control of Personal Data Protection (CNDP), Omar Seghrouchni, emphasized the “positive” and “cross-cutting” contribution of the Commission in “MoroccoTech”, through its mission to protect personal data and privacy of citizens in all sectors.
“In the service of digital, the protection of privacy is a factor generating trust.”
Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills,
President of the Moroccan Employers’ Association (CGEM), Chakib Alj, said that beyond an ambitious vision, “MoroccoTech is accompanied by concrete actions to give technology the place it deserves in our economy, and offer Moroccan citizens an excellent digital experience.”
“MoroccoTech” will further accelerate the pace and address some structuring issues, for a successful technological transformation for a sustainable and inclusive development of society and the Moroccan economy, especially for very small, small and medium enterprises, he stressed.
“This initiative will also confirm the positioning of our country internationally as a reliable and competitive investment destination where technology and innovation occupy an important place, as highlighted by the New Development Model (NMD) report.”
Chakib Alj, President, Moroccan Employers’ Association (CGEM)