Ericsson Issues Important Announcements Ahead of its Annual General Meeting

Ericsson has issued a statement by its Chairman and Board of Directors regarding the company’s resolution and ongoing engagement with the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). Ericsson reached a resolution with the DOJ in 2019 and is currently operating under a monitorship and deferred prosecution agreement.
While Ericsson since 2017 has taken significant steps in improving the culture of ethics and compliance, further efforts are underway to help ensure that the company operates at all times ethically and with integrity including in relation to the current issues before the DOJ.
CEO Börje Ekholm has the full confidence of the board, not only in regard to driving the company’s performance, but also in regard to the ethical and compliance transformation of the organization, which he continues to lead.
On Monday March 21, 2022 a new Chief Legal Officer, Scott Dresser, joins Ericsson. Scott brings solid experience in driving positive change, including enhanced governance, compliance, and controls. Scott is the right person to support the Company as it moves forward.
Scott, working with external counsel, will lead the comprehensive review of the conduct relating to Iraq and how it was addressed. This process is ongoing and we will act promptly to address shortcomings or misconduct identified. The Company continues to coordinate with the DOJ and other relevant authorities.
Mr. Ronnie Leten, Chairman of the Board, Ericsson