Vodacom Tanzania and Vodafone Foundation Invest $10m in M-Mama

The mobile ‘m-mama’ service developed by Vodacom Tanzania Foundation and Vodafone Foundation that provides emergency transport for pregnant and postpartum women will now be scaled up from one Tanzanian region to cover more than 50% of the national population across 15 regions.
Starting from 2022, the expanded m-mama programme in Tanzania is expected to transport more than 300,000 women, empower more than 1,400 community transport drivers and could save more than 9,000 lives.
The new programme has been developed by Vodacom Tanzania Foundation, Vodafone Foundation and the government of The United Republic of Tanzania.
With full government endorsement, both Foundations have committed to invest US$10million over six years to roll out the programme, guided by a steering committee from Tanzania’s Ministry of Health and public health delivery agency PO-RALG. Over the next six years the Government will increase its funding and the programme will be fully integrated into the healthcare system by 2027.
At an event to launch the new programme, Vodacom Group CEO Shameel Joosub said: “At Vodacom our purpose is to build better futures and create productive societies. Core to this, is the belief that technology must help bridge divides and improve equitable access to services. We believe that technology coupled with country’s enabling environment and political will – has the potential to support African nations realize transformation in healthcare, agriculture, education, financial services and other priority sectors.”
“Too many pregnant women, women in childbirth and new-borns die each year form largely preventable causes. For nine years, we have been working with the Government to develop a practical, sustainable and scalable solution to reduce maternal and new-born deaths in the country. We have built a system that strengthens health care delivery and connects the community and lower-level health facilities to responsive emergency transport.”
Sitholizwe Mdlalose, Managing Director, Vodacom Tanzania
“This simple platform has enabled over 12,000 women and babies in one region to access emergency medical care. Over 200 community drivers have enabled this urgent transport for moments where an ambulance is not immediately available. Now with the support of the Tanzanian government, the m-mama programme will be integrated as a Government-backed service, supplementing the ambulance service that will provide much-needed emergency transport for more than half of the population of the country. Our ambition in time is to expand this platform further to other countries where a simple community driver system platform, supplementing the ambulance service can save lives.”
Andrew Dunnett, Director, Vodafone Foundation