ICASA to Hold Public Hearings on Telkom’s Amendment Application of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA/the Authority) has announced that they will hold public hearings on 27 May 2022 at 09h00, in respect of an application by Telkom SA SOC Limited (“Telkom”) for the amendment of its Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence in the 2300 MHz and the 2400 MHz bands.
Telkom submitted an application to the Authority on 30 July 2021, to amend its Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence in the 2300 – 2360 MHz (“2300 MHz”) and 2307 – 2387 MHz bands paired with the 2401 – 2481 MHz (“2400 MHz”) band1 in line with the provisions of Regulation 9 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations and the Electronic Communications Act.
The Authority subjected Telkom’s application to a consultative process in terms of the legislative imperatives including the law of procedural fairness and transparency. The Authority received six (6) submissions from interested stakeholders by 16 November 2021.