t4h. (Tech4home) Extends RDK Pre-integration Across Entire Voice Remote Control Product Line to Support RDK Set-Top Boxes
S. João da Madeira, 02. June 2022 – t4h. (Tech4home), a leading provider of innovative wireless remote control solutions for the home environment announced that it has extended its RDK pre-integrations across its entire product line of voice control remote controls to support RDK-enabled set-top boxes.
t4h. announced its first Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) remote control solution for RDK-enabled set-top boxes last year. Now, t4h. is supporting voice control for RDK-enabled set-top boxes through all of its voice remote control families, including the latest award-winning model NOTUS, known for its custom covers. t4h. recognizes the importance of state-of-the-art interactions and creating satisfying and engaging user experiences. Voice control pre-integration allows end-users to have an interactive TV experience with seamless navigation on RDK-enabled set-top boxes, including RDK Video Accelerator products.
The Reference Design Kit (RDK) is an open source software platform for the connected home. RDK standardizes core functions used in video, broadband, IoT devices. devices. RDK enables service providers to control their device diagnostics data, business models, and apps to improve the customer experience and drive business results. RDK software includes technical integrations that enable communication between remote controls and set-top boxes.
With voice control integration, a fully integrated and standardized voice remote control provides a wide range of benefits to both the operators and end-customers. It provides end customers with the ability to instantly control the user interface in real-time through voice command. This enables effortless navigation by allowing users to change channels or access a wide variety of premium OTT services. Operators can also offer additional enhancements to their end customers, such as universal voice search across live, on-demand, and apps, using t4h.’s new voice-enabled remote control options.
There is no doubt that voice integration has become an essential user preference for TV experiences in living rooms worldwide. It is a great honor to announce that we are expanding our cooperation with RDK and enabling our entire voice remote product line to support RDK-enabled set-top boxes. We are very proud of this journey and strategic relationship, which allows us to deliver highly innovative remote controls that meet the ever-evolving needs of IPTV, cable, and satellite pay-TV providers that rely upon RDK worldwide.
Graça Cândido, Commercial Director at t4h.
Being one of the leading innovators in the RCU industry, t4h. offers a wide range of RCUs to operators with over 200 remote control models in its quiver. With impeccable user interactions braced with voice control pre-integrated for RDK-enabled set-top boxes, operators will now be able to offer immersive TV experiences with seamless navigation to their customers.
t4h. is a pioneer in creating compelling voice control remotes to meet the growing demands of pay-TV operators around the globe. By expanding RDK support across its entire voice remote product line, t4h. is again demonstrating its leadership and commitment to the RDK community to support RDK operators looking to leverage voice control capabilities.
Rob Suero, Head of Technology at RDK
About t4h. (Tech4home)
t4h. (Tech4home) is a key player in remote control devices and technologies that designs, develops and delivers intuitive and innovative integrated wireless remote control solutions, with cutting-edge design and a state-of-the-art user experience. With more than 20 years’ experience in the remote control business, t4h. leads the industry in providing products and solutions that meet the ever-evolving needs of worldwide IPTV, cable, and satellite pay-TV providers. RF technologies, such as BLE, BT, RF4CE, Wi-Fi, and IR, voice search, audio, motion, TV operation are among the many features t4h. can integrate in their customisable remote control solutions.