Google’s Equiano Submarine Internet Cable Lands on South African Shores

In a recent announcement, it was disclosed that Google’s Equiano submarine internet cable has now landed at Melkbosstrand north of Cape Town.
Its commitment to delivering a portfolio of wholesale services, based on strategic investment in subsea and terrestrial digital infrastructure, has been further demonstrated with the arrival in South Africa, on 8 August 2022, of Google’s Equiano cable.
Statement by West Indian Ocean Cable Company (WIOCC)
Having invested multiple billions of rand to enhance our 16Tbps-ready, Optical Transport Network-enabled national hyperscale network infrastructure, we are extremely well positioned to provide businesses with access to fully upgradeable, quickly and easily scalable capacity throughout South Africa and into neighbouring countries, over one of the most future-proof networks in the country.
Chris Wood, CEO, WIOCC group