TechAfrica News Introduces the First Edition of our Landscape Sheet

TechAfrica News is excited to announce that we are releasing the first edition of our Landscape Sheet!
The Landscape sheet is a growth overview sheet that will help players and partners in the industry understand the market better. This sheet gives an insight into how the industry is developing and which companies are working tirelessly to bridge the digital gap in Africa.
We are eager to see how the Telco, Satellite, Fintech, Video, and Security industries in Africa continue to thrive and collaborate for the betterment of the people. Hence, the Landscape Sheet is our contribution to helping key players in this notion understand and better communicate with one another.
This will be the first edition of the digital landscape sheet, and we will take it upon ourselves at TechAfrica News to review and update it twice per year. Hopefully, we will also find ways to improve it and include more details, and cover a wider range of industries.
We’d love to hear your thoughts and get feedback on what you think about our Landscape Sheet’s first edition. This way, we can interact more and be sure that you can visualize this industry and market the way we at TechAfrica News see it.
We will also stay committed to providing expert coverage and analysis of significant tech news and stories throughout Africa and the Middle Eastern Region.
If you want to be included in future editions, reach out to our editorial team: