Vodafone Qatar Announces a New Board Structure

Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C. announced its new board structure with H.E Abdullah bin Nasser Al Misnad appointed as Company Chairman by the Board effective 25 October 2016.
Following the election of the three (3) independent Director positions that took place at the Company’s Annual General Assembly held on 25 July 2016 and the appointment of Mr. Vivek Badrinath to replace Mrs Serpil Timuray as one of the nominated representatives of Vodafone Group Plc., the Company is pleased to announce that the Board of Vodafone Qatar now comprises of the following individuals:
- H.E. Abdullah bin Nasser Al Misnad, Non Executive Member (Chairman)
- H.E. Akbar Al Baker , Non Executive Member (Vice-Chairman)
- Mr. Rashid Fahad Al Naimi, Non Executive Member
- Mr. Nasser Al Marri, Non Executive Member
- Mr. Vivek Badrinath, Non Executive Member
- Mr. John Otty, Non Executive Member
- Mr. Gianluca Ventura, Non Executive Member
- Mr. Ian Gray, Executive Member & Chief Executive Officer of Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C.
I am delighted to have the opportunity to Chair Vodafone Qatar’s Board. Vodafone has brought greater choice, better value and service innovation to Qatar and I look forward to working with the Company’s Board members to further grow the Company and deliver to our customers the benefits of sustainable and effective competition in both mobile and fixed line markets whilst delivering good financial returns for our shareholders.
H.E. Abdullah bin Nasser Al Misnad, Chairman, Vodafone Qatar’s Board,