Intelvision and Vodafone Announce the Arrival of 2Africa Cable System in Seychelles

In June 2022, Intelvision had come into a 15-year partnership with Vodafone to accelerate their plans for the introduction of a new cable system in Seychelles.
Now, Intelvision / 2Africa has introduced the arrival of one of the world’s largest subsea cables in Seychelles in collaboration with Vodafone.
With over 600Gbps of international bandwidth available on this new cable system, Intelvision will now offer a significant step-up in respect to connectivity speeds for households and business customers.
With the existing sea submarine cable, we had to agree on whatever price they gave. However with our own cable we can set the prices. And we believe this can revolutionise the way internet is being used in the country today.
Reza Jaro, Chief Executive Officer, Intelvision
There is an extensive process that has to happen, today was just the landing. There will still be a process where it needs to go through testing, activation and commissioning and segment commissioning abroad as well, before providing the service to the customers.
Frederick Abrams, Chief Technical Officer, Intelvision