Mass Redundancy of Facebook Employees Blocked by Kenyan Judge
The mass redundancy of 260 Facebook content moderators was blocked by a Kenyan Judge. The employees who were laid off worked for Samasource Kenya EPZ (Sama) which was contracted by Meta.
A blatant show of disregard to the Court orders and the sanctity of the judicial process and a clear intimidation by the Respondents.
Terminating the contracts of the petitioners in this manner is gravely prejudicial considering there is a live petition before this Honourable Court challenging the termination of contracts and the interim orders subsisting.
Mercy Mutemi, Lawyer
That pending the inter-partes hearing or further orders by the Court, orders are hereby granted preserving the immigration status of foreign petitioners herein being Facebook content moderators and allowing them to remain in Kenya lawfully.
Justice Byram Ongaya
This judgment was issued without Sama being able to participate or correct any of the facts. We had no intention of laying anyone off prior to the (end of March) in any case, and will certainly abide by any directives issued by the court.
Statement by Sama