Ooredoo Prepares for 3G Network Sunset, Boosts IoT Device Future-Proofing

As Ooredoo and Oman continue to embrace fast, reliable, and efficient 5G services, they also prepare for the retirement of the good old 3G network from the ever-changing connectivity landscape. The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) recently announced the phasing out of 3G, a process globally dubbed ‘sunsetting’, which will start in Oman in quarter 3, 2024. For this reason, Ooredoo has recently stepped up the future-proofing of smart Internet of Things (IoT) devices that currently rely on mobile 3G connectivity.
Currently, most Internet of Things devices rely on 3G connectivity, which is why future-ready Ooredoo is upgrading them if necessary. The once cutting-edge 3G network must gradually make room for the next-generation of technology. 4G, 5G and Narrow Band IoT (NB-IoT) networks provide unparalleled internet speeds, low latency, ultra-reliable connectivity, and are more environmentally friendly. We are confident that this new era will result in the efficient powering of rapidly evolving next-generation technologies like IoT and augmented reality.
Saied Al Lawati, Director of Business Marketing and ICT Solutions, Ooredoo
Ooredoo recently conducted a limited connectivity trial on some IoT devices, such as smart point of sales solutions, smart meters that capture the energy and water usage without human intervention, and In-Vehicle Monitoring Solution (IVMS) which ensures vehicles can be tracked in real time. By switching off 3G services currently powering these devices, Ooredoo checked their hardware and will perform further upgrades if necessary while ensuring that their data is cloud-compatible.
Meanwhile, in August 2023, Ooredoo Group joined the IoT World Alliance, the world’s largest Mobile Network Operator cooperative, to drive connectivity to the next level.