Mzuzu E-Hub Calls for Idea-Stage Entrepreneurs in Northern Malawi for Incubation Support Program

Mzuzu E-Hub, in collaboration with Zantchito Entrepreneurship and Access to Finance, has announced a call for Idea-Stage Entrepreneurs in the northern districts of Malawi. Entrepreneurs with innovative ideas in agriculture, energy, water and sanitation, construction, environmental, and Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are encouraged to apply for a business incubation support program.
Selected candidates will have the opportunity to join Mzuzu E-Hub and gain access to essential business development services. This includes assistance with idea testing, prototype development, business coaching, connecting with potential buyers, financial literacy, mentorship, marketing strategies, standards compliance, and certification.
Eligibility criteria require applicants to be graduates of Technical, Entrepreneurial, and Vocational Education and Training (TEVET), university graduates, or Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) falling within the age bracket of 18-35 years. Additionally, participants must be committed to engaging in the incubation process for a minimum of six months.
This initiative aims to nurture and empower young entrepreneurs by providing them with the necessary tools and guidance to develop their business ideas effectively. It presents a valuable opportunity for individuals to transform their innovative concepts into thriving enterprises, ultimately contributing to the economic growth of the region.