Vodacom Lesotho Empowers High Schoolers with Cyber Safety Guidance

High schoolers from Lesia High School, Thetsane High School, Sefate Sa Bophelo English Medium and Star Classic English Medium have received practical and useful tips on how to stay safe in the cyberspace. The half-day awareness session was conducted by Vodacom Lesotho’s Technology Department at Thetsane High School on Wednesday last week.
Vodacom understands and appreciates that pupils need to use technological devices and internet for various educational activities and entertainment. Nevertheless, they can be easily exposed and conned by unknowingly clicking untrusted links, pop ups or by sharing their internet passwords on malicious websites and enticing messages. For this reason, Vodacom considers it imperative to have tech-savvy pupils to help them combat risks in the cyber space.
Be careful of what you post online because you leave a digital footprint. Your online activities today will catch up with you 10 years later when you’re applying for a job. So, be careful what you post online.
Mookho Hlaahla , CRISC, CDPSE Governance, Risk and Control Specialist, Vodacom Lesotho
Make sure you protect your personal data while browsing online. Stop sharing your names, passwords, photos, date of birth, places of residence, banking details, identity documents (passports, IDs and birth certificates.) And please stop clicking links whose sources is unknown.
Matsepiso Komane, Senior Cyber Security Specialist, Vodacom Lesotho
We are grateful for the eye-opening session. We have learned so much and we promise to be extra careful when navigating online. We hope this is only the beginning of more insightful sessions to come from Vodacom.
Teboho Memane, One of the Learners at the Sessions
As a telecoms operator evolving into a technology company, Vodacom Lesotho, through its corporate social investment arm, the Vodacom Lesotho Foundation, is already providing M299.00 per month to 160 as part of the School Connectivity Project. The Foundation also donated fully-equipped ICT labs to four schools namely, St Barnabas High School, Malealea High School, St Paul School for the Deaf and St Joseph of Mount Royal High School. The cost of the ICT lab for each school amounts to M300,000.