ICASA to Hold Virtual Hearings on Amendments to Elections Broadcasts and Advertisements Regulations
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has given notice that it will be holding virtual public hearings in respect of the Draft National and Provincial Party Elections Broadcasts and Political Advertisements Amendment Regulations, in accordance with section 4(6) of the Electronic Communication Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005), as amended (ECA).
The proposed amendments to the National and Provincial Elections Broadcasts and Political Advertisements Regulations aim to update the vitally important framework and guidelines governing Party Election Broadcasts (PEBs) and Political Advertisements (PAs) by Broadcasting Service Licensees (BSLs) during the upcoming national and provincial elections. These Regulations are instrumental in ensuring the equitable treatment of political parties and independent candidates by BSLs throughout the election period.
The Authority published the Draft Amendment Regulations on 04 October 2023, and the closing date for written submissions was 17 November 2023.
Subsequent to the publication of the Draft Amendment Regulations, the Authority held provincial workshops on the Draft Amendment Regulations in all nine provinces, between 24 October to 03 November 2023.
By the closing date, the Authority had received written submissions from nine stakeholders, namely: Barberton Community Radio, the Consumer Advisory Panel (CAP), the Democratic Alliance (DA), Kanyamazane Community Radio, Mkhondo FM, Mutsindo Community Media Trust, Rosestad FM, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC”) and Voice of the Community FM.