MTN Business, Huawei, and Verteco Launch Power-M for SMEs Amid South Africa’s Loadshedding

Recognising the critical demand for reliable backup power solutions during South Africa’s persistent loadshedding challenges, MTN Business, in collaboration with Huawei Enterprise South Africa and Verteco, has launched the Power-M inverter and battery solar solution. Tailored for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), this initiative underscores the essential preparedness required by businesses to navigate through uncertainties caused by frequent power interruptions.
At MTN Business we understand that loadshedding is hindering small business growth and potential, and through our partnership with Huawei, we aim to empower these businesses by offering a reliable and flexible power backup solution. The Power-M module not only provides a seamless backup power solution but also offers the flexibility to integrate with various power sources such as grid and diesel generators, and solar panels. This ensures that businesses can adapt their power backup setup according to their evolving needs.
Songezo Masiso, GM for SME and Indirect Channels, MTN South Africa
Huawei Power-M is available online and through selected MTN Retail stores, and offers an all-in-one solution that negates the need for additional devices and can withstand even the most challenging grid conditions.