CRAN Revokes UCOM Mobile Namibia’s Spectrum Licenses Over Unsettled Financial Obligations

Namibia’s Communications Regulatory Authority (Cran) has taken the decisive step of canceling the spectrum licenses previously granted to UCOM Mobile Namibia (Pty) Ltd, formerly known as Mobile Telephone Networks Business Solutions Namibia (MTN).
According to several reports, the move comes as a consequence of UCOM Mobile Namibia’s failure to fulfill financial obligations related to the awarded spectrum licenses and uphold payment agreements made with Cran.
The announcement was issued by Cran, citing the primary reason for the license revocation as UCOM Mobile Namibia’s non-payment of fees and failure to honor the agreed-upon payment arrangements. The outstanding amount owed by the licensee to Cran reportedly stands at N$19,280,754.67, encompassing cumulative invoices that have remained unsettled.