SA Minister Solly Malatsi Removes USAASA Board Members for Breach of Governance Rules

The South African Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, Hon Solly Malatsi, has informed Ms Daphne Kula-Rantho and Ms Boitumelo Mabusela of his decision to remove them from the board of the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA), in a bid to restore stability and good governance at the entity.
“I have removed the individuals, who are currently employed as civil servants, for failing to obtain approval and to provide evidence of permission from their employers to conduct additional remunerative work outside their official roles, as is required by law.
Hon Solly Malatsi, Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, South Africa
The decision for their removal is in line with Clause 13 of the Governance Agreement, in relation to the Section 83 of the Public Finance Management Act that empowers the Minister to dismiss board members due to financial misconduct.
Over the past few weeks, I have repeatedly engaged with both individuals and given them opportunities to submit evidence which would indicate that they have upheld the prescripts of the law. However, they have failed to do so.
I went further and engaged their employers to request proof of any approvals to earn additional renumeration, outside of their official roles. The responses indicate that no such approval was given. Prior to that, my predecessor Mr. Mondli Gungubele, proactively pursued the same request but was not provided such.
Hon Solly Malatsi, Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, South Africa