Telecom Namibia Invests in Modern Maritime Safety with GMDSS Upgrade

Telecom Namibia has announced a strategic investment in maritime safety and security. The company has partnered with Marintel JV to upgrade the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) infrastructure along the Namibian coastline.
The modernized GMDSS system will provide round-the-clock coverage, ensuring uninterrupted monitoring and response to distress calls and safety messages. The coastal stations will be equipped to receive and transmit alerts using various communication methods, including VHF and MF/HF, thereby enhancing maritime communication capabilities.
Beyond enhancing maritime safety, this investment will improve Namibia’s compliance to international Maritime Safety Standards and also contribute to the overall well-being of the Namibian people. A safer maritime environment will attract more businesses to the region, stimulating economic growth and job creation. Additionally, a secure and reliable maritime infrastructure is essential for the tourism industry, particularly for marine-based activities.
This investment aligns with our commitment to providing reliable and cutting-edge communication solutions to the maritime industry. By upgrading our GMDSS infrastructure, we are ensuring that our maritime safety systems remain at the forefront of technology.
Dr. Stanley Shanapinda, Chief Executive Officer, Telecom Namibia
Marintel Group was founded in 2010. In 2018, the company acquired the TransOceana GMDSS software suite, which has been successfully utilized by Telecom Namibia for over a decade and requires an upgrade. The Marintel © TransOceana GMDSS software suite is specifically designed to manage Digital Selective Calling (DSC) safety messaging. This technology is extensively used by commercial vessels to exchange critical safety information, including distress calls.
Marintel is proud to deliver a coastal GMDSS radio project in Namibia. We are committed to applying our extensive expertise and experience to complete the project on time and to the satisfaction of Telecom Namibia. Our software solutions are tailored to meet the stringent requirements of maritime safety and communication, ensuring reliable and efficient operations across various sea regions.
Mr Leonid Khojayev, Managing Director, MarinTel
The partnership with Marintel JV brings together two industry leaders with the expertise to implement and operate the new GMDSS system. The project is expected to be completed by December 2025.