Zambia and Burundi Sign MoU for Fibre Optic Connection via Lake Tanganyika

Zambia and Burundi sign MoU for a fibre optic cable, connecting the nations and boosting ICT collaboration across Africa.

Zambia and Burundi have signed a Memorandum of Understanding which will see the two countries connected through a fibre optic cable.

The MoU sets the pace for a fibre optic cable to be laid under Lake Tanganyika from Mpulungu District in Northern Province through the lake to Burundi.

The private company engaged for the project has already laid 350 kilometers of the cable between the two countries in Lake Tanganyika.

Speaking when he signed the MoU with Burundian Minister of Communication, Technology and Information Leocadie Ndacayisaba at the just ended 2024 Digital Government Africa Summit in Chongwe District, Technology and Science Minister Hon. Felix Mutati said Burundi will now be the 9th country to get connected to Zambia through fibre optic.

Mr. Mutati said the connection of the two countries will make Zambia a regional hub for Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

He said the fibre optic will allow Burundi to relay it’s information through Zambia to south and east African countries.

Mr. Mutati said the Memorandum of Understanding is a success story for the 2024 Digital Government Africa Summit which attracted over 500 delegates who included over 20 Cabinet Ministers from 33 countries.

And Burundian Minister of Communication, Technology and Information Léocadie Ndacayisaba said the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding opens doors for more collaboration between Zambia and Burundi.

Ms. Ndacayisaba said the connection of fibre optic from Zambia to Burundi will improve the lives of people in the two countries as they will now be able to use fast internet for communication.

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