Space4Women Meeting in Nairobi Champions Gender Equality in STEM and Space
The Space4Women Expert Meeting in Nairobi advanced gender equality in STEM, unveiling new toolkits, expanding networks, and advocating funding, scholarships, and mentorship for women in space.
The Annual Space4Women Expert Meeting concluded in Nairobi, Kenya, marking a significant step towards advancing gender equality in the space sector. Hosted by UNOOSA, the event emphasized the importance of empowering women and girls in STEM, recognizing gender parity as both a moral and strategic imperative.
Key outcomes included commitments from countries to implement the Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit over the next year and initial efforts to design a STEM education toolkit for women in underserved communities. The Space4Women Network expanded its reach, promising greater impact at regional and national levels, while participants called for increased funding, scholarships, and mentorship programs to support women and girls in space-related fields.