South Africa’s Competition Commission Approves Tario 892’s Acquisition of RSAWEB
South Africa's Competition Commission approves Tario 892's acquisition of RSAWEB, citing no competition or public interest concerns in the market.

The Competition Commission of South Africa (CCSA) has recommended that the Tribunal approves the proposed transaction whereby Tario 892 intends to acquire RSAWEB, without conditions. The primary acquiring firm, Tario 892, its controlling firms and all the firms controlled by its controlling firms, are collectively referred to as the “Acquiring Group”.
The Acquiring Group, through MetroFibre, is a fibre network operator (FNO) and internet service provider (ISP) that owns and manages an open access carrier class ethernet infrastructure providing fibre connectivity in five provinces in South Africa. It provides services to customers such as ISPs, resellers, enterprise, and small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) as well as residential consumers.
Through Octotel, the Acquiring Group operates an open access fibre network in the greater Cape Town metropolitan area and other areas in the Western Cape. Its activities include building, owning, maintaining and leasing of fibre networks, with a focus on providing Fibre-To-The-Home (“FTTH”) and Fibre-To-TheBusiness (“FTTB”). The primary target firm is RSAWEB. RSAWEB is a downstream ISP which focuses on the provision of retail FTTH and FTTB services. It also provides cloud infrastructure, enterprise connectivity and mobile data management.
The Commission is of the view that the proposed transaction is unlikely to substantially prevent or lessen competition in any market. The proposed transaction does not raise significant public interest concerns.