Axon Wireless launches ‘tap & go’ SIM registration in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast is the first country on the continent where mobile users can comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements by simply placing their national identity cards on a mobile phone screen and letting the agent’s pre-loaded Axon software do the rest.
By instantly reading and recording citizens’ identity information, SIMs are registered in just 45 seconds.
Axon Wireless has launched Africa’s first ‘tap and go’ system for mobile SIM card registration.
“Mobile’s all about convenience and we’re extending that efficiency to the customer sign-up process. The system has been exceptionally well-received by mobile users who have historically felt inconvenienced by onerous SIM registration requirements,” says Justin Lipshitz, CEO of Axon Wireless.
This latest development follows news that millions of Zambian mobile users have been registered over the past 9 months by over 3 000 agents using Axon’s SIM registration software, in line with ZICTA (Zambia Information & Communications Technology Authority) requirements.
In Ivory Coast, the ‘tap and go’ system is now fully bedded down and helping mobile network operators (MNOs) comply with that country’s mobile sector regulatory regime that has prioritised national SIM card registration.