Huawei South Africa’s Smart Board Supports Home Learning

As South Africa eases the national lock-down aimed at flattening the curve of Covid-19 infection rate, there will likely be a phased return to schooling and home learning is likely to be with us for some time to come.
Since the start of the Covid-19 lockdown in March, the DBE has been broadcasting classes on various SABC television (and radio stations) so children can watch and learn from home.
With this smart white board solution, our teachers are able to make remote learning more interesting and engaging for our students as they continue learning at home until schools are gradually re-opened after the national lockdown. We welcome this partnership with Huawei as we do our best to mitigate disruptions caused to the school academic year. The Department, the SABC and Huawei demonstrated how by working together we can overcome our challenges.
Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga

The smart board which has been installed and integrated at the SABC education studio’s is part of the HUAWEI CloudLink Board All-in-One Collaborative Telepresence, which will be launched in South African market later this year.
Huawei believes that digital learning is about engaging the scholar anywhere, and at any time, in meaningful and relevant ways. With the Huawei CloudLink Smart Board solution our teachers can do wireless projections and split-screen multiple tasks among other features during the live broadcast from the SABC.
Kian Chen, Huawei SA Deputy CEO
As an ideal solution for small and medium-sized conference rooms, Huawei’s CloudLink Board integrates voice control, automatic tracking of the person speaking, facial recognition, and other intelligent functions. The sturdy aluminium case houses a 65-inch multi-touch screen that provides high-quality telepresence video display as well as easy conference control.