MTN Nigeria Awards Tower Contracts to ATC for 2.5k Network Sites

MTN Nigeria Communications PLC has notified the Nigerian Exchange Limited and the investing public that the lease of approximately 2.5k network sites, for which IHS Nigeria Limited currently provides tower services, is due to expire in 2024 and 2025. In line with MTN Nigeria’s procurement policy, which seeks to ensure a transparent and competitive bidding process, the Company called for tender for these tower contracts.
Following a review of the bids received for tower services for the affected sites, ATC Nigeria Wireless Infrastructure Solutions Limited (ATC) was selected as the preferred tower company for those sites based on its superior bid submission.
Additionally, this will further diversify our site portfolio and align with our proactive initiatives to renegotiate tower agreements, focusing on ensuring terms that will help cushion the business from the volatility in our trading environment.
Excerpt from the Notification by MTN Nigeria
ATC will take over the provision of tower services for the affected sites from 2025.