Tunisia Launches Tender for 5G Mobile Network Licenses

The Republic of Tunisia’s Ministry of Communication Technologies has announced a tender for the installation and operation of a public telecommunications network to provide 5G mobile services. This initiative is part of Tunisia’s national digital transformation plan aimed at enhancing high-speed internet access nationwide.
The tender invites interested operators to participate in this significant upgrade to Tunisia’s telecommunications infrastructure. The country’s telecommunications market currently includes three major mobile network operators: Tunisia Telecom, Ooredoo Tunisia, and Orange Tunisia, along with two internet service providers: Global Net and Topnet. Tunisia boasts a mobile penetration rate of 136.5% and a mobile broadband penetration rate of 97.2%.
Operators wishing to participate must register by submitting a fee of 5000 Tunisian dinars (5000 DT) or 1500 Euros and a commitment guarantee to a specified CCP account. The Tender Dossier will be available for collection starting July 3, 2024, at the Ministry of Communication Technologies in Tunisia.